Medical Family Toolkit
- PDF format
- Digital product
- NO refunds on digital products
- No physical product will ship
- For personal use only, cannot be resold or transferred
“Medical complexities made manageable.”
As the mom of a medically complex child, I know how important organization is… and how fallible my memory is. The Medical Family Toolkit is the solution for those problems – whether the patient is a child, adult, or dependent.
Print & write on these pages, or type right into the editable PDF, to keep all your family’s medical info straight, together, and in one place. Simply hand over the relevant pages to a new doctor or when you have a sick visit scheduled.
Keep track of diagnoses, prescription medication changes & reasons, and document complex medical histories. Write down all the procedures, tests, and blood work before you forget.
Ease new teachers, paraprofessionals, and caregivers into their roles with clear instructions for catheterization, enemas, tube feeding, seizure care, allergy precautions, and more.
Manage simple medication histories or complex conditions such as epilepsy, cerebral palsy, genetic disorders, syndromes, and more.
WHAT YOU’LL RECEIVE… over 30 templates!
- Table of contents with descriptions
- Dependent OR adult/personal medical information
- Current medication list
- Medical contacts list
- Other contacts list
- Daily medication checklist
- Detailed medical history
- Medical appointment notes
- Current concerns for a Dr visit
- Sick visit note sheet
- Appointment tracker
- Diagnosis log
- Procedure log
- Lab work/ test log
- Medication history log
- Medical deduction cheat sheet + tax deduction tracker
- Medical mileage tracker
- Bowel/bladder log
- Tube feeding log
- Meal ideas
- Meal plan
- Growth tracker
- 2 different daily schedule layouts
- Undated monthly calendar
- Equipment purchase planner
- Equipment funding planner
- Therapy homework sheet
- Hospital stay packing list
- Emergency plan
- Catheterization instructions
- Enema instructions
- Tube feeding instructions
- Allergy precautions
- Allergy treatment instructions
- Seizure care
- Seizure rescue medication instructions
Can I type in this PDF?
Yes! The document is designed to be edited (AKA typed on)OR printed & written on.
Was this created by a medical professional?
No. It was created by a mom who knows how much information is involved in a medically-complex life. I created templates that I found helpful & wanted to share.
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